Appearance, Discussion, Exposure (6)

At this point, everyone who had participated in the meeting had arrived.

Zhang Zhenghuai and company represented Hibiscus City. This was where Su Yun lived, worked, and studied. It belonged to his second hometown.

Fan City Hall's leader, Wu Enze, represented Su Yun's ancestral hometown, Fan City.

Xu Jiajia and Su Guowei were Su Yun's relatives and friends.

Professor Sun and the others represented the cultural relics and archeology world that was indebted to Su Yun.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the conference room was very oppressive. Everyone's faces were filled with gloom.

This was the first time these people had gathered because of Su Yun after the search and rescue operation had completely ended and they had given up. They were here to send him to his funeral.

If Zhang Zhenghuai had not broken the silence first, the atmosphere would have become more and more suffocating.