One Person's Cultivation, A Group of Followers (7)

The geneticist's attitude was like he was playing a game. Even if Kuntai used all his tricks, he could not gain any advantage in such a battle. And a human who had been modified by genetic medicine could actually grow to such a powerful level in a short period of time. It could not help but be shocking.

Su Guowei, who was a soldier, was naturally able to realize the trouble brought by geneticists in a short period of time. He frowned and did not say a word. He stared intently at the screen, but he did not notice Su Yun sitting on the bed. His eyes were also listless as he looked at the report.

Xu Jiajia and Yang Shan were tidying up the ward. Unintentionally, Xu Jiajia looked up and saw Su Yun staring at the television screen in a daze.

"Auntie, look at Su Yun." Xu Jiajia quickly called out to Yang Shan. At this moment, Yang Shan looked at Su Yun with surprise in her eyes.