Dare I Ask the World (3)

As a result, there were netizens posting questions everywhere.

"Why isn't the next battle warmed up in advance? Other than a time, there isn't even a place."

"Who's representing China in the battle this time? Why didn't anyone come out in advance to inform us?"

"Same question. I've already prepared the money. Where are we going to buy the tickets?"

The netizens all showed that they attached great importance to this final battle. After all, this was the last chance for China to protect its reputation. It was also a chance for ordinary humans around the world to protect their reputation!

However, there was still no news on the Internet. Everyone was confused and did not know what would happen next. After flipping through some news, Big Head Yang looked up at Lin Xiao in confusion. "Didn't your father say that he would be participating in the battle as one of the representatives? Why isn't there any news online?"