Publicity, Su Yun, The Only Extraordinary Person in the World (2)

"That's right. This is too strange. What's wrong with this child?"

The villagers sitting under the tree looked at Su Yun with stiff expressions. A few of them even hid behind in fear. When Su Yun's funeral was held, the village was in an uproar. Although they did not enter the mourning hall to pay their respects, at least everyone in the village knew that the funeral was for Su Yun.

However, now that Su Yun had appeared at the village entrance, the villagers naturally found it strange. As usual, Su Yun greeted the villagers with a smile as he passed by. However, everyone's smiles were awkward as they looked at Su Yun evasively. After Su Yun passed by, the villagers began whispering to each other.

"If this kid from the Su family isn't dead, what kind of funeral is he holding?"

"Didn't the funeral suddenly stop halfway? What kind of misunderstanding is this?"