Famous Throughout the World, Greetings, Dao Ancestor Su! (1)

#The Official Announcement of the Huaxia Research Institute#

[Chinese hero Su Yun's speech in the Hibiscus City University's auditorium is true. Su Yun once defeated three geneticists by the Qiantang River alone. From this, it can be seen that they are not perfect. There is no need for the general public to worry too much.]

[Regarding the current progress of Huaxia's genetic research, please don't be anxious. Even if current events are turbulent, the country will definitely not give up on anyone and will definitely not fall behind any country.]

An official announcement greatly verified the authenticity of Su Yun's speech. The netizens everywhere were excited and shocked. They started discussing excitedly.

"Heavens, he defeated three geneticists alone. How did Hero Su Yun do it?"

"Could it be that the geneticists converted to Buddhism are also related to Su Yun?"

"Or could it be that Su Yun is a Chinese genetician?"