Great Sage of the World, Staff Strikes the Aircraft Carrier (2)

This also increased Su Yun's popularity. In a short period of time, his fans exceeded eight million, approaching ten million. Many fans claimed that Su Yun's livestream was the most comfortable one for them. There was no commercial hype or livestreams. He just quietly displayed the outdoors of the unworldly.

In Su Yun's livestream, it could always calm people down. Unknowingly, they would spend a long time in the livestream.

Su Yun's livestream life was very simple. He first boiled water to wash up in the morning before going to the vegetable field for a walk. After that, he made some wild mountain tea on a simple tea table made of stone to bask in the sun.

Recently, the white monkey has become more and more lively. Ever since he saw Monkey Sun, he used a broken tree branch as a golden cudgel every day and moved around in the open space. This also brought Su Yun quite a number of fans.