Shocking Act! Physical Body Resist Missiles! (3)


Upon hearing Su Yun's call, the dirty white monkey immediately ran towards Su Yun happily. Unsurprisingly, Su Yun rejected the white monkey's intimacy and grabbed its neck. The white monkey, who had been strutting around arrogantly, immediately stopped and looked pitifully at Su Yun. "Say, it's fine if you kill them. Why did you drag them back?" Su Yun pointed at the mountain of corpses and asked helplessly.

The white monkey began to dance with joy. This action was probably something only Su Yun could understand. "You mean, we can roast it and eat it like we did at Mount Shengu?"

The white monkey nodded happily, then revealed a harmless and a little silly smile. This attitude made Su Yun feel rather helpless. "We roasted wild rabbits last time. These are genetic animals. Although they were dead, the genes in their bodies still existed. If you eat it, you might mutate!"