Shocking Act! Physical Body Resist Missiles! (10)

In a few seconds, a missile would be launched from the warship and raze the beach where Su Yun was.

However, the moment the missile system aimed at Su Yun, the originally calm Su Yun suddenly frowned. Immediately after, he suddenly opened his eyes and looked into the distance. The supernatural state suddenly became clearer, as if it was extending outwards, producing a strange change.

In front of him was clearly an endless blue sea, but at that moment, a bloody scene suddenly appeared in front of Su Yun's eyes. In this scene, he even saw himself lying in the ruins, covered in blood and on the verge of death. Thick smoke billowed all around, and a huge fire burned in the rainforest.

The black smoke formed by the burning blotted out the sky, turning this immortal realm into a purgatory on earth in the blink of an eye. The white monkey lay at the side and had long stopped breathing. Only its eyes were empty as it looked at the sky.