Things Have Changed, People of the Past, Witness It Together! (5)

"Take a seat in the front row of the crowd. Is Hero Su a geneticist?"

"If Hero Su is not a geneticist, where did his strength come from? Could it be that our Great Xia has already invented some high-tech technology that can allow people to walk on the sea?"

"Stay calm, isn't it going to start in less than half an hour? I specially applied for leave today. No one can disturb me!"

From two different perspectives, it was not difficult to tell that the attitude of foreign netizens towards this press conference was more focused on whether Great Xia was hiding the geneticist experiment.

In their opinion, they had basically determined that the person in the satellite image was very likely a geneticist above world level. Otherwise, there was no other more reasonable explanation.

Many reporters from other countries had already prepared to ask questions. They were determined to dig out Great Xia's hidden secret at this press conference.