Controlling Sword Thousands of Miles to Behead the Enemy's Head, Astral Body Traveling the World (2)

The people of Great Xia had been too aggrieved in the past few years. The progress of genetic technology kept coming from various countries, making the people of Great Xia think that Great Xia had been completely left behind in the new era and had been sealed in the old era without being able to break through.

Only now did they know that Great Xia had never given up on the people. In the face of world reform, Great Xia still focused on the people and made the best choice.

Even though the Great Xia netizens did not know what the potential threat Zhao Guofeng mentioned was, at least Great Xia did not develop blindly like other countries. Instead, in the face of great temptation, they could still calmly consider the people.

Just this alone was enough to make the people excited and confident!