Controlling Sword Thousands of Miles to Behead the Enemy's Head, Astral Body Traveling the World (5)

Just the methods Su Yun displayed in the short video were enough for various countries to study for many years. Back then, when the three geneticists challenged the entire world, their strength was obvious to all. However, these three geneticists could not even withstand a single move from Su Yun.

The strength that Su Yun displayed had far exceeded the understanding of humans. In addition, foreign netizens did not know what cultivation meant. This was because their understanding of Su Yun stopped at Superman.

"Fuck! Why does Great Xia have such a magical power? The genetic technology we're so proud of is completely useless in front of him!"

"Could this be an apostle of God in the human world? But why is it in Great Xia?"

"I have to investigate what cultivators mean…"