Prominence at the Scenic Area, Extraordinary Evolution! Su Yun Steps into a New World! (2)

After finally comforting Li Haixia, Xu Kui came to the end of the hospital corridor alone. He looked out of the window and frowned solemnly. The moment that thought appeared in his heart, it could no longer be erased.

The more Xu Kui thought about it, the more afraid he became. A possibility that he had never thought of occupied his mind at this moment. Had Xu Jiajia been hiding a secret from him?

The reason for this thought was related to what had happened to Xu Kui a few months ago.

Just as Li Haixia had said, Xu Kui had been overseas for more than half a year because he wanted to carry out a military peacekeeping operation. He led a team and stationed them overseas. Due to the frequent riots in that area, the peacekeeping force led by Xu Kui had been carrying out joint operations with the local government forces.