Prominence at the Scenic Area, Extraordinary Evolution! Su Yun Steps into a New World! (6)

"Uncle Xu, how's Jiajia?"

Su Yun walked forward worriedly and asked. When Xu Kui saw Su Yun, he patted the seat beside him. "Su Yun, Jiajia is undergoing a checkup now. Sit down and talk to me first. I don't know who else I should talk to."

Su Yun nodded and quickly sat beside Xu Kui. When Combat Wolf saw this scene, he tactfully walked further away and waited quietly. He was like a bodyguard beside Su Yun. This showed how much Zhao Guofeng valued Su Yun.

"Uncle Xu, what happened to Jiajia? Why is she in the hospital?"

Xu Kui did not answer Su Yun's question. Instead, he looked at Su Yun and asked, "Did you know about Jiajia long ago?"

Upon hearing that, Su Yun was shocked. He naturally knew what Xu Kui was talking about. However, Xu Kui did not let Su Yun answer. Instead, he sighed softly and looked at the ground again. "Jiajia was infected by genetic radiation because of me…"