Ancestral Master Kowtows, Welcome, Dao Ancestor (1)

Su Yun returned to the entrance along the western corridor. He was not in a hurry to leave with Xu Jiajia. Instead, he turned around and looked solemnly at the statue of Zhang Zhongjing in the middle.

He looked up under the towering statue, as if it was a magical conversation between ancient people and modern people.

There was no sound in this conversation, though. The information of the predecessors was left in the supernatural state, in the remnant aura. Now, the predecessors could cross the river of time.

Soon, Su Yun picked up the sandalwood at the side. After lighting it up, he bowed three times respectfully in front of the statue. Although it was unintentional, Su Yun had indeed been taught here. Hence, he silently thanked this ancestor in his heart.