Kicking Over the Worldly Road with Two Feet, Carrying All the Worries of the Past and Present with One Shoulder (3)

That was the place where Gu Yun cultivated and lived. It was not strange for there to be remnants of extraordinary aura.

This Chongyang Palace was built for him by his disciples after Wang Chongyang died. Therefore, if he could not sense the supernatural aura here, it did not mean that Wang Chongyang had never entered the supernatural state.

In that case, perhaps the Ancestral Master's tomb was the place he should really go. This thought made Su Yun's eyes light up. Then, he immediately nodded and followed Xu Jiajia towards the Ancestral Master's tomb.

Soon, the two of them arrived at Ancestral Master Chongyang's tomb. A tombstone was erected there, but Su Yun was soon disappointed again. Here, he still did not sense any residue of the supernatural aura. It was as if everything was telling Su Yun that his thoughts had been wrong from the beginning.