Immortal Venerable (2)

At that moment, the white monkey was really angry. Su Yun had almost been injured. In the white monkey's opinion, it was intolerable. In order to prevent any more rocks from falling, the white monkey moved a few more tables over and built a triangular barrier above Su Yun and Xu Jiajia.

This was what Su Yun had told the white monkey when he was building a house in the rainforest of the Jing Wei Islands. His voice was still vivid in the white monkey's mind.

"Triangles are the sturdiest shape, so building the house into a triangle can effectively avoid many dangers."

It was Su Yun's words back then that made the white monkey do such a thing. In the end, the white monkey shook it hard again. After confirming that these tables would not collapse, it carried the wooden stick and crawled out along the destroyed roof.