Lightning Tribulation! (3)

It was as if he had been locked onto by something. Although it was only a vague feeling, it made Su Yun feel extremely afraid. Su Yun instinctively looked up at the sky. A muffled thunder exploded above his head. With a boom, he could not help but tremble. This seemed to be the wrath of the heavens, and it was more like a final warning. He frowned as his expression turned ugly.

"What's going on? Why is my heart palpitating so much?" Su Yun muttered to himself as he looked up at the sky.

Xu Jiajia looked at Su Yun's hair in surprise and said uneasily, "Su… Su Yun… Why is your hair standing up!"

Su Yun reached out to touch it in puzzlement. Only then did he realize that it was true. His hair actually stood up without wind. This scene was a little comical, but no one could laugh. Even Su Yun's back was covered in cold sweat as he vaguely realized something.