The Dao Ancestor Returns and Creates a Cultivation Path! (3)

But how did he do it? What method did Su Yun use to bring Xu Jiajia back safely? The doubts in the hearts of the officers were also what Xu Kui was thinking at this moment. Therefore, he quickly asked Su Yun this question. It also made the surrounding people prick up their ears, hoping to get an answer from Su Yun.

Su Yun did not beat around the bush with this question. He only gave a simple answer. "Cultivation!"

Because of Su Yun, this word was now recognized as reality in the entire Great Xia. The nouns that only existed in fabricated stories were no stranger to the officers now. However, it was precisely because of this that they were extremely surprised. The path of cultivation was so profound.

After hearing Su Yun's answer, Xu Kui quickly became serious. He looked at Su Yun and frowned slightly. However, he immediately nodded slightly and looked at the other officers.