Dojos Everywhere in Great Xia (4)

"This is our Professor Lü. Let him in quickly!"

When the police officers heard this, they looked at Zhou Nanhai, who was not far away. Zhou Nanhai nodded slightly, and the police officers were relieved.

As Principal Gao walked forward to welcome Professor Lü, he whispered, "Professor Lü, did you hear what Su Yun said just now? What did he mean?"

Professor Lü looked excitedly at Su Yun, who was sitting on the high platform not far away. He had heard Su Yun's words clearly on the way here. Therefore, in the face of Principal Gao's question, Professor Lü nodded excitedly and said in a trembling voice, "I've been studying ancient books on cultivation. I have a little understanding of what Su Yun just said."

Principal Gao quickly handed the microphone to Professor Lü. "In that case, Professor, hurry up and tell everyone. You can't let everyone be so confused. This opportunity is not easy to come by. Everyone should cherish it."