All Techniques Return to One, Resolving Karma (3)

Su Yun held the old Daoist priest back. Seeing that he was silent, he only shook his head gently. Be it the Tomb of the Living Dead or this Daoist priest, Su Yun had always sighed with emotion. In his opinion, this Daoist priest's perseverance in the Dao was quite similar to Wang Chongyang's spirit back then.

This old Daoist priest had been guarding the Tomb of the Living Dead for his entire life just to wait for the day the Dao Ancestor arrived as his grandmaster, Wang Chongyang, had said. In order to wait for the Dao Ancestor, countless people had died with regrets even after spending their entire lives.

It was because Wang Chongyang had entered the supernatural state twice and left behind a gatha for future disciples.