First Out of Body Experience, Realizing the Immortal Realm (1)

The platform's empty weight could reach more than 470,000 tons. Its maximum takeoff weight was a total of 120,000 tons. If it was said to be a flying aircraft carrier, it would be underestimating it. In comparison, a Luan Bird was larger than several Ford aircraft carriers combined.

One had to know that the Ford aircraft carrier was currently the largest aircraft carrier on Earth. Yet it still paled in comparison. In addition to this data, the weapon data was quickly perfected. The Luan Bird platform was equipped with four high-power ion diffusion cannons and 16 high-energy pulse laser cannons.

There are also 42 vertical launch units for large multi-purpose missiles and 12 on-board ballistic missile launchers. This would be an unshakable sky fortress, but other than that, the information about the other weapons in the Nantianmen's plan was enough to shock the world.