Crisis! Meteorite Swarm! (2)

What Su Yun did not know at that moment was that on the Luan Platform, teams wearing construction armor were urgently gathering. Something unexpected had happened.

The Nantianmen Project had basically been formed and stabilized as a transit space station between the Earth and the Moon.

However, the environment in the universe was extremely harsh, so one could see a faint barrier on the Luan platform. Inside this barrier, it could basically maintain the temperature, gravity, and even the basic level of oxygen on it.

This was another major development that Great Xia had conquered in recent years. When Great Xia participated in the construction of the moon battlefield, they also used this technology on the moon battlefield.

This way, it could basically guarantee that be it the moon battlefield or the Luan platform, they could form an environment close to Earth's ecology that was suitable for human movements and short-term survival.