Humanoid Unidentified Flying Item? Global Sensation (3)

This kind of alarm was the last thing they wanted to hear. The last time they thought of this kind of alarm was because of the meteorite crisis. Fortunately, the Luan Platform was equipped with a monitoring system. Therefore, the moment the alarm sounded, Feng Qisi immediately turned to look at the main console.

"What's going on?"

The technician sitting in front of the computer quickly began to operate. Soon, they pulled up the feedback images on the various monitors, especially the monitor images that sounded the alarm.

"Captain Feng, the monitor has detected an unidentified flying object approaching."


This was the universe, so when he heard the words "unidentified flying object", Feng Qisi's heart suddenly trembled. As long as it was the Southern Heavenly Gate, there was no small matter. Therefore, Feng Qisi immediately gave the order and quickly gathered the security team.