Power Breaks the Firmament, Dao Ancestor Splits the Heavens (1)

Zhao Guofeng was deeply shocked by this scene. This was the first time he had personally seen Su Yun fly. Although he had expected it, he was still shocked.

Su Yun sat cross-legged in midair. The originally silent forest was now filled with strong winds. Waves of air surged across Zhao Guofeng's face, and he could even feel a sharp pain. Until now, he did not know what Su Yun wanted to do.

It was worth noting that the white monkey beside him was abnormally excited at this moment. It had been jumping around and baring its fangs.

It squeaked and muttered something.

It seemed that this white monkey had extraordinary perception and could sense the changes in his surroundings more deeply than Zhao Guofeng.

In the various sermons, tens of thousands of people sat cross-legged and tried to enter the Dao cultivation according to the method taught by the pioneers.