Opening the Cultivation World! (1)

After a short discussion, countries finally reached a consensus. They knew very well that no country could support them in surviving the crisis five years later.

The only hope now was Great Xia. Although they did not know anything about cultivation, at least the shocking ability that Su Yun had displayed time and time again was enough to give them hope.

In the eyes of Westerners, Su Yun was like a god.

Therefore, in the current situation, it could only be used as a last resort for the various countries. In a short period of time, the opinions of the various countries were unified.

The highest commander nodded when he heard this. This also meant that Great Xia had taken on the heavy responsibility of the entire Earth from now on.

After this meeting ended, the various countries held high-level seminars to determine the form of cooperation with Great Xia and the repositioning of the various countries after the world situation changed drastically.