Dividing the New Realm, New Path (1)

At dawn, Zhou Xiaoxiao made breakfast for Su Yun. Perhaps she knew that this might be the last time the two of them could eat breakfast so comfortably in a small house in the near future, so they ate very slowly.

This period of time was also worth cherishing for Su Yun. He could temporarily put down the responsibility of his identity as a Dao Ancestor and be like an ordinary person. He did not have to think about what would happen tomorrow.

This was ultimately a luxury for Su Yun. The crisis on Earth had not been resolved, so no one could let their guard down, let alone him.

The two of them prepared to return to Mount Tianding after breakfast. This mountain was named after Su Yun helped Earth survive the first crisis. Everyone wanted to remember this day. Because the most important cauldron was set up at the top of the mountain, this mountain was also called the Mount Tianding.