Su Yun's Last Plan! (1)

This investigation was not important. All the scientists were shocked to discover that these four children could easily sense supernatural auras at birth. The genetic sequence in their bodies was very special. This far exceeded the scientists' expectations.

The children could mobilize the supernatural aura around them with a raise of their hands. Of course, this mobilization was irregular. It was just an instinctive reaction. But this was enough to make Zhao Guofeng and the others overjoyed.

At the very least, it meant that their previous guess was right. The descendants of the Dao Ancestor were existences that far exceeded current humans. Now, the cultivators who had reached the third realm of the various dojos had once faced the problem of not being able to sense the supernatural aura.

However, ever since these four children were born, they could already easily sense it. The difference between them was naturally self-evident.