Chapter 11: The Queen's First Test

The young queen felt her hands grow cold.

“We lost?” Council member Pelleas Wynbalar blinked his ice-blue eyes in disbelief.

Not a breath was heard as the knowledge of the King’s devastating defeat sank in. A hundred scenarios began playing through Niamh’s head. She was so fresh to this world, so new to being a queen, Niamh knew her life was in danger. She closed her eyes briefly to calm her mind.

Trajyr asked darkly, “How long do I have?”

“You will be expecting the exiled Lord Dafiel Beluar, and he will be here within the hour,” Roedrian Boru was walking towards the queen and captain.

“We must prepare!” the general said.

Instantly, General Konnyr and Captain Aengus leaped into action, charging down the hall. The General began bellowing orders.

“Our army is exhausted,” Konnyr shook his head and growled loudly at the captain. “We don’t have the strength to protect her.”

“General!” Aengus growled back. “We must. You still have a duty!”