Chapter 21: Into the Darkness

“Where is King Lorcan?” demanded Niamh.

“Why do you think he’s here?” questioned Breathnach.

“You foolish Queen,” snapped Naero. “You are accusing us of having that tyrant of a King within these walls with a piece of cloth as proof.”

“You are the fools,” replied Niamh. “To think it would be easy to hide this from your Queen. Lord Beluar had a report from an outrider of your strange behavior. You never showed me you had a dungeon, and now we find this?”

“What kind of Queen needs to see the dungeon?” Breathnach questioned loudly. “Are you crazy?”

Naero shook his head laughing.

“If you have nothing to hide, then show me,” Niamh stood firm.

“No,” Breathnach refused.

Fergal lifted his wings and flapped aggressively. Breathnach shifted uneasily. General Aengus scanned the walls carefully with his elven eyes.

“Take me to the dungeon!” Niamh began to lose the kind tone in her voice.


“You are saying no to your Queen,” said an agitated General Aengus.