Chapter 23: More than Wounds to Heal

The falcon’s cry tore Niamh from King Lorcan’s bedside.

“Mind the King,” she called to the caretakers as she ran outside.

Lord Tigherneach was up on the Keep’s wall, looking out over the main gates. Niamh joined him, almost smiling because she had never been allowed to stand on the walls when trouble was near, but now, no one in Tigherneach Keep could make her stay down. As she took her place between General Aengus and her adoptive father, she felt Lord Tigherneach’s eyes rest on her.

“Your falcon has a keen eye,” he said. “Thanks to him we are ready to welcome a small force from the capital.”

Niamh watched as Elven soldiers approached the modest Keep. They wore the armor of the King.

“They’ve come to escort their king home,” General Aengus informed her. “Some will stay at Breathnach’s stronghold until after the trial.”

“Trial?” Niamh asked.