Chapter 27: Lessons to Learn

Their adventure started happily enough. The sun shone brightly, the horses were fresh, and Lorcan and Niamh were enjoying each other’s company with cheerful conversation. Fergal balanced easily on the Queen’s arm as she rode. As the remaining two villages were not far away, the king and queen took a small company, including Boru and Aengus, with them.

The first village was deep within the oldest part of the forest, with roads wound around trees, and small but elegant homes were often found within the massive trunks. Sunlight still shone through the leaves, and there were clearings where crops were grown. Niamh looked around in wonder.

“You have never been this deep into the Kingdom, my Queen?” King Lorcan noticed.

The young Elven Queen shook her head, “No, never. I have heard about Imnenora, and the homes in the trees, but I didn’t know…”