The mountain wind was refreshing, and the sun was warm, as the company of Elves left the Emenasari Temple. The journey back to the heart of the realms was uneventful, even after Lorcan stopped in village after village to do a quick search for General Konnyr.
“Perhaps we have heard the last from that traitorous elflord,” muttered Lorcan after one empty-handed search.
Tigherneach and his family rode in their traveling box until they reached the palace and Niamh found it wonderful to be around her family again. While Lord Tigherneach rested, Niamh received a message stating her falcon, Fergal, was being tended to in the palace aviary. She dashed down halls and up stairs to finally step foot in the aviary, Fergal called out as soon as he laid eyes on Niamh and she tried not to burst into tears.
Niamh carefully scooped up the falcon in her arms, “Fergal! Oh my darling!”
The falcon tried to flap his wings with excitement