“It is good to see the daughter of Nildrian visiting her father’s home, and the Emenasari region rejoices to be visited by our High King and Queen,” The Elven priest in the pale-blue robe bowed low.
Heads turned to look at Niamh, then at Lorcan.
“Please tell me you all have heard of my father and his homeland!” Niamh whispered over her shoulder to her company reproachfully. A few warriors looked away in shame.
Lorcan stepped forward, “Who are you?”
“My name is Kharis Traeliorn,” the priest placed a hand on his heart and dipped his head. “High Priest of the Emenasari Mountain Temple.”
“What happened here, Priest?” Lorcan looked at the sword in the elf-priest’s hand. “Who attacked you?”
Kharis looked slightly confused, “Attacked us? Oh, My king, it is not a long story and you shouldn’t worry. Those who live here are not as helpless as we look, we have the light of the Elves within us.”
Lorcan was now standing, stone-faced, before the priest.