Volume 1 Chapter 12: Level Up!!! (Edited)

Volume 1 Chapter 12: Level Up!!!

Noticing the two bats flying towards them, both of them used blood magic to make another arrow before firing. Carmilla aimed at the bat on the left, while Clone 1 aimed at the one on the right.



But the bats successfully dodged the arrows before continuing to fly towards Carmilla and Clone 1. Since the bats stopped for a moment to dodge the first two arrows, the two of them took advantage of this moment to fire two more arrows. These arrows hit the bats before they even noticed, and the two bats died, turning into light particles.

-25 Hp

-25 Hp

[Ding! You have killed Level 2 [Big Bat]. +2 Exp.]

[Ding! You have killed Level 2 [Big Bat]. +2 Exp.]

But the two bats that retreated back away earlier suddenly started to cast magic. A light green magic circle appeared in front of the two bats, then two wind slashes came out of the light green magic circle.

Since Carmilla and Clone 1 were occupied with the first two bats, they did not notice the other two bats had already cast two wind slashes at them.

After killing the two flying bats, I was about to aim at the two other bats that had retreated. However, when I looked up, I saw two magic spells flying towards our direction. I quickly jumped to the side before alerting Clone 1 of the incoming attack.

Carmilla: "Clone 1, two magic spells incoming!"

Clone 1, who was about to look in front of them to aim toward the two bats, quickly jumped to the side upon hearing what Carmilla said. Afterward, she looked in front of them just in time to see a wind slash pass their initial location. Looking in the direction from where the two spells came from, Clone 1 saw the two flying bats with a fading magic circle in front of them.

After successfully dodging the wind slashes sent by the bats and noticing that they weren't sending another attack, I decided to check on Clone 1. I looked in the direction where Clone 1 was and saw that she had successfully dodged the wind slashes. Then, I aimed the blood bow again at the flying bats before firing.


My arrow flew toward the two bats, followed by another arrow which Clone 1 must have fired. However, I noticed that the two bats had moved, causing the arrows to fly past them.

Unlike the Level 3 [Big Bat] that almost got killed by Clone 1's arrow but still died from my arrow, since it didn't notice us we have a chance to sneak attack it. Then, the first two bats flew toward us in a straight line, making it much easier to aim. Although the bats dodged the first volley of fire, they still both died on the second volley.

Seeing that the two bats had dodged, I fired another shot. Like the first time, the bats still dodged, but this time a magic circle appeared, and a wind slash flew toward us. Unlike the first time, I had more time to dodge before firing another arrow. This happened one more time, but after the third wind slash, the bats stopped launching wind slashes at us.

Clone 1: "Master, the bat might have used all of its remaining mana, so that's why it stopped firing wind slashes."

Now that Clone 1 mentioned it, I started to notice that after the bats fired the 3rd magic spells, they stopped firing spells at us. With the bats unable to counterattack, we kept firing blood arrows at them. However, despite our efforts, the bats continued to dodge the arrows every time I fired at them.

Carmilla: "Come on, stand still so that I can kill you."

Clone 1: "Master, I don't think the bats can understand what you are saying. Even if they could understand, I doubt they would obey what you said."

Carmilla: "Of course, I know that."

Clone 1: "Then master, why did you…" Before Clone 1 could finish what she was saying, Carmilla decided to stop it.

Carmilla: "Stop. I just want to release some stress, okay?"

Clone 1: "Okay, Master."

While the two of them were talking to each other, they did not stop firing arrows at the bats. However, as always, the bats managed to dodge the arrow attacks.

Clone 1: "Master, we will run out of mana even if we have the skill [Automatic Mana Recovery Lv: 1] if we keep up this kind of consumption."

Carmilla: "Do you have a plan?"

Clone 1: "Master, I will target the one on the left. As soon as the bat dodges, master will fire as soon as possible. If this succeeds, master, we will do the same thing on the other bat."

Carmilla: "Sounds good, let's do it."

After saying that, I aimed my bow at the left bat, waiting for Clone 1 to fire.


As soon as I heard the sound of the flying arrow, I started following where the bat was flying, and as soon as I saw the bat stop for a moment to dodge Clone 1's arrow, I let go of the string.


As Clone 1 planned, the bat stopped for a moment, so my arrow hit the bat, and like the first two bats, it died instantly.

-25 Hp

[Ding! You have killed Level 2 [Big Bat]. +2 Exp.]

Carmilla: "Success, it worked."

Clone 1: "Master, don't celebrate too early. There is still one bat left."

After saying that, Clone 1 aimed towards the last bat and fired.

After Clone 1 fired an arrow, I aimed my bow where the bat would dodge. After firing a bunch of arrows, I noticed that the bats would always dodge to the left or right, so it was easy to predict where the bat would dodge. However, it was still hard to hit it since there were only a few seconds for me to hit the enemy.

As soon as the bat dodged the arrow sent by Clone 1, I followed it with my own arrow, just like last time.

-25 Hp

[Ding! You have killed Level 2 [Big Bat]. +2 Exp.]

[Ding! You level up.]