Volume 1 Chapter 19: School And Talk With A Friend Part 1

Volume 1 Chapter 19: School And Talk With A Friend Part 1

After saying that she leave the sleepy Alice alone inside the room to properly wake up since her head was still keep bobbing up and down, after yawning she stand up and walk slowly towards the bathroom.


After she finishing taking a bath now Alice was properly and fully awake, she came down to the dining room to see that the table was already set and the food was serve, so she sit down and start eating since she saw that her father was already eating when she came down stairs. After her father finish eating first he says good bye to her and her mother who was watching the news in the living room before leaving the house, and after she finish eating she says good bye to her mother before leaving the house.

She begin walking toward to the school and sometimes she will walk along with Vanessa since her house and Vanessa house was on the way to the school, but this happen only happen once in a blue moon since Alice always wake up late but lucky she always on time for the class to start and since the school was a walking distance only she will always arrived before the teacher does.

After she arrived at the school gate she did not go to her classroom since there is a flag ceremony every Monday but lucky the flag raising ceremony is the same time as the first class and not one hour earlier since Alice may not wake up that early. After arriving at the court where the flag raising ceremony will proceed. She saw the other class arriving at there own position.

I start walking toward where my class was lining up and since the position of every class was fix every start of a new school year it was easy to find.

When I was near at the line of my class, Vanessa seems to notice me arriving and then she start waving at me, I wave back before joining the back of line since I arrived last.

The flag raising ceremony proceed as usual, but mid way of the flag ceremony I start to get sleepy since for me flag raising ceremony and flag lowering ceremony is extremely boring for me. Not to be impolite since I don't get it why there is a flag raising ceremony every Monday morning and flag lowering ceremony every Friday afternoon every week for the whole school year for me it unnecessary why do this every week.

The whole flag raising ceremony ended after a continues standing for 30 minutes, all of the other class start going back to there own classrooms. Soon I notice that Vanessa started to walk slowly so that I can start to catch up to her.

When I reach the side of Vanessa we start walking side by side before she start talking with a cheeky tone.

Vanessa: Yo! morning, did you enjoy playing the game?

I also notice the tone on Vanessa so I reply with the same tone.

Alice: Good morning and yes I enjoy playing the game that even my mother almost scold me since I forgot to do my chores

Vanessa: Oh, is that the reason why auntie called me yesterday?

Alice: Yeah

I reply to Vanessa with a gloomy tone and she seems to notice it since I did not hide it.

Vanessa: So what happen in the game that you did not notice the time?

Alice: I did not notice the time and since there is no clock to check the time and I was also stuck deep inside a cave

Vanessa: A cave? What happen to you after you start playing the game? and no need to tell me all of the details if you don't want to tell me

Alice: It's okay to tell you since you're the one that invited me to play the game and you also gave me a the premium character creation

Vanessa: Don't worry about the premium character creation since I won it by just ranking high in a ranking when playing the beta test

Alice: But you earn the premium character creation yourself and I may not play a lot of games and may not know a lot of knowledge about it but for you to get a premium character creation card mean that you must have a high rank to get it since when I use it gave me a lot of benefits

Vanessa: Hahaha I really can't hide anything to you ehh

Alice: Can you tell me about the beta version?

Vanessa: We derailed from our initial conversation but it seems that we already run out of time to talk, so let's talk again later

Alice: Yeah, talk to you later

They stop talking since they arrived at their classroom and since their chair was not near at each other so they can't talk to each other even if they want to and since the class will start soon since the first subject of the day is their adviser and after that the next teacher will arrive even if the teacher got delayed it will only be 5-10 minutes.

The day commence and lunch time arrive and since they have 1 hour to do what ever they want do to. Some of the students go to the cafeteria to buy lunch and some students who bring their own home cook lunch start bringing out their own lunch boxes and since some of students are friends with each other they put the seats side by side to make a big table so that they can share their lunch with each other.

When the last subject ended before lunch time, I start bring out my lunch and join Vanessa who was going to cafeteria to buy her lunch since her parents rarely cook since their are busy on their work.

Vanessa: Come on Alice we need to hurry up I don't want to line up too long

Alice: Vanessa you go first since you still need to line up buy lunch, I will get us our sit

Vanessa: Okay see you later, pick us a nice spot okay

Alice: Of course

After saying that I saw Vanessa was already running outside the classroom going straight to the direction of the cafeteria, in the meantime I start putting all of my notebooks and books inside my bag before leaving the classroom.

I start walking toward the location of the cafeteria and since I arrived slightly early there is still a lot of sit available, I look at the line where the students can buy their lunch, then I saw that Vanessa was lining up with 36 people away from her turn, so I start looking around for a nice position to eat lunch so I pick a sit where a fan was near and so the air was much cooler near that location but since it's a nice spot usually those spots are occupied by other students who arrive early and if someone arrived late there will be almost no place to sit since almost all of the sit is already occupied by other students.