Volume 1 Chapter 23: Back In The Game

Volume 1 Chapter 23: Back In The Game

Vanessa: That might be the case why auntie called me yesterday so what happen and why have you not log out of the game?

Alice: But I ignore the warning sign, since from what I know the warning sign will only appear if there is a message from the system and since I have just level up and have not done anything that important that will make the notification to appear so I thought that it was just useless message but the warning sign keep flashing several times so that when I start having a bad feeling so that when I began running towards the exit to check the time by going outside to check if my hunch was correct. When I arrive outside I saw that the sun saw about to set


Vanessa: Luckily auntie did not ban you on playing game unlike me who was ban on playing for the week

Alice: Ehh, What happen? and why auntie did ban on playing the game for a week?

Vanessa: I spend too much time playing when the beta test so I forgot to do some of my assignment last week and the teachers texted my mother that I did not pass any assignment to them sand they also said that they caught my sleeping on the class while the teacher was discussing. When my mother got the report she ask me what was going so I tell what was I doing the pass whole week and when she heard what I say that was playing the game for a whole night so I was so sleepy on class she then confiscate my head gear and left while saying that I was ban on playing for the whole week

Alice: So that's the reason you are sleeping on several class last week on class

Vanessa was about to say something when all of the other students of course Alice and Vanessa also heard the sound of the bell ringing which means that there is only 3 minutes before the next class about to start so a bunch of students start leaving the cafeteria in a hurry.

Alice: Come, let's go we don't want to be late are we since auntie might add more days on your ban time hehehe

Vanessa: Yeah, Yeah your so funny but you go first I'll have to return the tray back first

Alice: I'll come with you

Both of them got up to return the tray and after that they start walking back towards there classroom.

The time pass like a blink of eye, the classes ended so quickly and it already time to go home. Alice and Vanessa start walking back together since their house was near at each other. 5 minutes of walking later Vanessa split up with her and after another 5 minutes Alice arrived where she live. When Alice was at the door of the house she start removing her shoes while removing her shoes, she announce to her mother that she is back.

Alice: I'm back mother!!!

Mother: Welcome back home, you should go change your clothes first

Alice: Yes, Mother

After hearing what her mother said she first put back her shoes in the shoe rack before going upstairs to her room so that she can change her clothes. After doing all of that she came downstairs and begun doing all of her task for today, like washing her lunch box and doing the dishes and after she finishing doing the dishes she then she start cooking the rice for dinner.

Alice: Mother I finish all of my task, I will stay in my room playing for a bit

Mother: Okay you can play but do all of your assignments first

Alice: Yes, mother

After saying that I return to my room and start doing some of the activity that I have not finish yet when I'm doing it on the school and after doing that I also start doing my assignment for a straight 20 minute with out stopping.

She finish all of her incomplete activity for the day and some of the assignment to be pass sometime later, so after that she bring out the V.R head set before she wear it and lay down on her bed.

After making sure that everything is on and making sure my laying position is comfortable after all that I log back in the game.

[Log back In?]



After selecting the [Yes] button my vision turn back before seeing the loading screen of the game.

[Apocalypse Online]

[Please wait for a moment]









[Welcome Back To Apocalypse Online Player [Carmilla] Have Fun Playing!!!]

After checking my surroundings I notice that I was back where I log out was and luckily I log out at the entrance of the cave and not outside the cave since I saw the sun have yet to set so. If I log out outside the cave and I log back in I will take damage as soon as I log back in since the sun was still out.

Then out of no where a bunch of notification start appearing in front of me and it start covering my vision really fast that just a few second later all of I can see is a bunch of notification even if I move my head it will just follow my vision so I decide to read all of it one by one to see all of what I miss when I'm out of the game and not to close and ignore all of it.

[Ding! Your Clone has practices [Blood Magic] while you ware offline you have received 100 experience points in your skill [Blood Magic].]

[Ding! Your Skill [Blood Magic Lv: 1] has reached enough proficiency to Level up to [Blood Magic Lv: 2].]

[Ding! Your Clone has practices [Bat Transformation] while you ware offline you have received 100 experience points in your skill [Bat Transformation].]

[Ding! Your Skill [Bat Transformation Lv: 1] has reached enough proficiency to Level up to [Bat Transformation Lv: 2].]

[Ding! Due to your Clone constantly using the skill [Night vision] while you ware offline you have received 100 experience points in your skill [Night vision].]

[Ding! Your Skill [Night vision Lv: 1] has reached enough proficiency to Level up to [Night vision Lv: 2].]

[Ding! Due to your Clone constantly using the skill [Strength Enhancement] while you ware offline you have received 100 experience points in your skill [Strength Enhancement].]

[Ding! Your Skill [Strength Enhancement Lv: 1] has reached enough proficiency to Level up to [Strength Enhancement Lv: 2].]

[Ding! Due to your Clone constantly using the skill [Magic Enhancement] while you ware offline you have received 100 experience points in your skill [Magic Enhancement].]

[Ding! Your Skill [Magic Enhancement Lv: 1] has reached enough proficiency to Level up to [Magic Enhancement Lv: 2].]

[Ding! Due to your Clone constantly using the skill [Automatic Mana recovery] while you ware offline you have received 100 experience points in your skill [Automatic Mana recovery].]

[Ding! Your Skill [Automatic Mana recovery Lv: 1] has reached enough proficiency to Level up to [Automatic Mana recovery Lv: 2].]