Volume 1 Chapter 27: Critical!!!

Volume 1 Chapter 27: Critical!!!

After hearing the reply of Clone 1 I start aiming at the snake who was more ahead than the other snake and as soon as I saw a chance to hit the snake I let go of the string letting the arrow fly toward the snake, but as I thought the snake have dodge my arrow so Clone 1 send the follow up arrow, I thought that the arrow will hit the snake like how the [Big Bat] got hit, but it seems that my expectation was different than reality since the snake have not been hit by the arrow since it did not died and turn to particles and if you look closely you will see that the arrow was stuck between the body of the snake the snake must have dodge the arrow by making it own body a S shape.


The other snake was already in distance to lunge at Carmilla who was in front of Clone 1 who was waiting for Carmilla to let go of the string.

Seeing that the other snake who we first ignore since it was lagging behind the other snake was already at range to attack me so I quickly transform the blood bow in to a shield but since the time was to short for the shield to fully transform so only half of the shield was complete but that was enough to block the attack of the snake and unlike the first time I did not let the snake stay much longer so I swing my arm as soon as the snake landed on the incomplete blood shield. As soon I send the snake flying I shout at Clone 1 who was at my back.

Carmilla: Clone 1 hit it

Clone 1 did not reply to Carmilla and she just keep looking at the snake who I send flying while also aiming the blood bow and when Clone 1 saw a chance and make sure that she will surely hit the snake so she let go of the bow string she was pulling and that when arrow flew toward the [Fast Snake] who was mid air and that's when the arrow hit since the [Fast Snake] don't have any time to dodge the arrow and it was also in the air so it and moved it body well unlike when it was in the ground like the first snake that dodge the two arrows. The snake turn to particles and left a few coins that fall on the ground as soon as it appear.

Carmilla: Yes that's 3 out of 5 [Fast Snake], ouch

[-5 Hp]

[-5 Hp]

I was happy that we killed one of the level 3 [Fast Snake] but suddenly I felt that something bit my leg and when I saw the two [-5 Hp] so I knew that something have damage me so when I look down on my leg that felt pain and that's when I saw the first level 3 [Fast Snake] who we targeted and fired several arrows was now biting my leg. So I transform the blood shield into a katana and before the snake get away so I swing my blood katana. When I was about to swing the blood katana downwards to kill the [Fast Snake] that was biting my leg and that's when I heard Clone 2 scream something to us.

Clone 2: Master! Watch out!

I was about to ask Clone 2 what she means, when I saw that Clone 1 move in front of me to stand in front of me and that's when I notice that a spike made of stone was flying towards us.

Carmilla: Hey! Clone 1 we have to dodge that

Clone 1: Master it's too late to dodge

I was about to say something to her when I saw the blood bow Clone 1 was holding lose it shape and it start changing to a shape of a great sword but the transformation stop when the great sword was only 45% done it seems that the blood Clone 1 use to make the blood bow was not enough to complete the great sword so I turn the blood katana in my hand back into a ball of liquid blood before throwing it towards where of Clone 1 at.

Clone 1 have notice that her master have thrown something in her direction and when she saw the thing Carmilla have thrown to her, so without hesitation she take control of the ball of blood to mix with the unfinished great sword she was holding, but the blood was still bit enough to complete the great sword and they already run out of time to add more blood to complete the great sword since the stone spike was in her range so even if the great sword was still incomplete she swing it towards the stone spike trying to deflect it, but she underestimated the power of the stone spike since not only she did not change the direction of the of the stone spike even for a bit and she was also blown backward away.

After throwing the ball of the blood towards Clone 1, I then saw what she did with it when she received the ball of blood I thrown to her she then add it towards the great sword but the blood was still not enough to be complete so I was about to make a blood dagger to cut open my wrist to give more blood to Clone 1 so that the great sword can be complete but that's when I saw Clone 1 swing the incomplete great sword to the stone spike. When I was thinking that Clone 1 will cut the stone spike in half or she will change the direction of the stone spike even a slight bit but instead she was send backward and since she was in front of me I tried to catch her but I was also blown away.

[-15 Hp]

Clone 2: Master, Clone 1!!!

[-5 Hp]

Carmilla: Ugh!

Carmilla and Clone 1 was thrown towards the wall but luckily Clone 1 and Carmilla have been blown a few angle of the stone spike so that why they did not get impaled by the stone spike.

I open my status screen to check my Hp since from the start of the battle I was damage several time so my Hp must be almost out and it seem I was right when I saw the Hp column in my status screen.

[Name: Carmilla]

[Race: Vampire]

[Title/s: N/A]

[Level: 2]

[Exp: 1/20]

[HP: 10/50]

[MP: 25/25]

[STA: -/-]

After checking my Hp and seeing that I only have 10 Hp left so I need to be careful not to be hit anymore since a single attack from the [Fast Snake] will send me to heaven or should I say hell since i'm a vampire. I also check Clone 1's Hp since she was the one who endured the whole force of the stone spike even though she use a great sword to hit it but the great sword was still made of blood and the blood was not even compressed like how a normal sword was made so as soon as Clone 1 swing the blood great sword toward the stone spike the great sword scattered and lost it shape turning back into liquid.