Volume 1 Chapter 33: Useless Potions, Menu, and [Inventory]

Volume 1 Chapter 33: Useless Potions, Menu, and [Inventory]

After seeing the starter chest turn into particles my plan for it to be a temporary storage was now gone. Sign~~~ the management is so stingy they can't even let us have a free chest. After signing of how stingy the management is I decided to check what is the effects of the potions I get from the [Starter Chest] by using the almighty [Analyze] from all of the novel and anime as the saying say when in doubt just use [Analyze] to be a all knowing master or a sage that knows everything on the world. Of course if you don't what to be like a certain spider that only get to know from her own [Analyze] when she use it is a bunch of [Stone], [Stone], [Stone], and finally [Stone] and nothing more so you must level up your own [Analyze] skill so not be a certain pitiful spider from the start until she level up her [Analyze] skill.


After the [Starter Chest] turn into particles and disappear, I start looking at the potions that I put on the ground. 2 potions have a red liquid inside, 2 potions have a blue liquid inside, and 2 potions have a yellow liquid inside, I first decide to use [Analyze] on the red potion, then on the blue potion and lastly on the yellow potion.

[Small Health Restoration Potion]

[When use restore your health by 10 Hp]

[Ding! System to Player Announcement]

[ [Small Health Restoration Potion] will be ineffective to you due to the skill [Immortality Lv: max] ]

[Small Mana Restoration Potion]

[When use restore your mana by 10 Hp]

[Ding! System to Player Announcement]

[ [Small Mana Restoration Potion] will be ineffective to you due to the skill [Immortality Lv: max] ]

[Small Stamina Restoration Potion]

[When use restore your stamina by 10 Hp]

[Ding! System to Player Announcement]

[ [Small Stamina Restoration Potion] will be ineffective to you due to the skill [Immortality Lv: max] ]

After I use the [Analyze] skill to check the details and effect of the different potions on the ground, then I saw that it can help me me restore health and mana but the [Small Stamina Restoration Potion] was useless since since I don't have a stamina stats since I have the skill [Immortality Lv: max] but when I saw the last remark on the details of the potions on the ground that's when I remember that the [Immortality Lv: max] skill will make all of the restoration type potions for example the [Small Health Restoration Potion] and the [Small Mana Restoration Potion] will be ineffective to me. I open my status screen to check the effect of the [Immortality Lv: max] skill.

[Immortality Lv: max]

[Passive Skill]

[Make the user have unlimited stamina.

The user doesn't need food or sleep

Nullifies Body and Mind type Status Ailments receive continuous damage when exposed to sunlight.

Receive 3x damage to fire magic, light magic, and holy magic.

The uses of health potion and mana potion and stamina potion will be ineffective.]

Now that I remember and have double check the effect of the [Immortality Lv: max] skill now I know that all of the potions I have is useless to me, Carmilla's face was now black since she just waste a lot of time from transforming into a bat several time and pulling the starter chest out of the hole but what she get was just useless for her, from what she can get on the starter chest a potions came out and not something she can use like a weapon or armor or any equipment or accessories that she can use to increase her stats but since she got useless potions that she can't use and she have no where to store these potions now for.

But that when she remember that this is still game.

Usually all of this kind of games have some kind of inventory to store all kind of items some games have infinite storage some games have limited storage also some game can craft chest to me a make shift storage so this game should have some kind of inventory system so I open the menu that I first ignore except for the log out button.

(But that when I notice that there is no log out option. Wait why there is no log out option is this some kind of joke or is this some kind of SAO joke just kiddig (0_-) )







[World chat]

[Log Out]

After opening the menu I click the [Inventory] option then I saw 30 empty boxes so I pick the potions on the ground but I don't know how to put it inside while thinking how to put the potions inside the [Inventory] when a warning sign appear but unlike last time when I ignore it, this time I open it to check what was going on.

[Ding! System to Player Announcement]

[Someone outside the game was wishing to talk to you]

[Ding! System to Player Announcement]

[Someone outside the game was wishing to talk to you]

[Ding! System to Player Announcement]

[Someone outside the game was wishing to talk to you]

So I log out immediately when I saw the message without informing Clone 1 and Clone 2 since I don't want a repeat of the last time when mother got angry when I did not log out immediately .

[Log Out?]



After logging out of the game I saw mother was standing near my bed.

Mother: Good your out, get up your father was almost here so set the table

After she said that she left Alice alone on her own. After seeing her mother left the room she removed the Vr head set and got up.

After I remove the Vr head set I got up and unplugged it then I leave the room and came down then set the table we then wait for father to arrive. Father arrives after 8 minutes of waiting after I open the gate for father's car to enter then we start eating, after doing all of my chores and then I says good night to father and mother before going upstairs, after I arrive in my room I plug in the pc, when the pc was on I open the browser and go to the messenger.

Opening the messenger I saw that Vanessa was online so I chat her.

Carmilla: Vanessa are you busy?

After I type that I saw that Vanessa saw typing.

Vanessa: …

Vanessa: Yeah I'm a bit busy, why?

Carmilla: What are you doing?

Vanessa: Math assignments why do you need something to me?

Carmilla: Yeah

Vanessa: Ohh the names wait let me type it first

Carmilla: ahh that you can just send it to me after you finish the math assignments, I have something simple to ask you

Vanessa: What is it?

Carmilla: You see I have pick up a starter chest and when I open it some potions came out and I can't always hold it so how do I put items on the inventory