Volume 1 Chapter 54: Really Got killed?

[Author's Note: I have decided to use ChatGPT to improve the grammar and spelling of my novel. While reading other fanfics, I came across an author who mentioned using ChatGPT to edit their chapters. I noticed that their novel was enjoyable to read, which prompted me to give it a try. If you appreciate the changes made in terms of word usage and overall improvements, please leave a comment below to let me know. Your feedback will help me determine whether I should continue using ChatGPT for editing purposes. Thank you!]

Volume 1 Chapter 54: Really Got killed?

As Carmilla continued to playfully mourn and cry while shaking Pepper's body, it became apparent that she was fully immersed in the act. However, after three minutes, Carmilla abruptly ceased her performance, standing up and ending the charade.

The sudden shift in Carmilla's behavior signaled the conclusion of the playful display, leaving the atmosphere more somber and uncertain.

Carmilla called out to Pepper, urging her to stop playing, as she noticed Eve observing them with a perplexed expression. However, Pepper remained unresponsive, still lying on the ground.

Even for someone as typically patient as Carmilla, there are limits to one's patience. In this moment, Carmilla's tolerance with Pepper's behavior was reaching its breaking point, straining her patience to its very limit.


Carmilla repeated her earlier statement, her tone laced with a mix of frustration and warning.

Carmilla exclaimed, "Hey, Pepper, it's time to snap out of it and stop playing dead, or else…"

However, it appeared that Pepper didn't register the severity of Carmilla's threat. Oblivious to the impending consequences, Pepper remained sprawled on the ground, unmoving. Not only that, but she even conjured a mesmerizing display of blood magic, creating a seemingly ordinary fountain of crimson liquid that appeared to burst forth from her own body.

The scene was surreal, with the vibrant red cascade capturing attention, but Pepper, lost in her own world, continued to lie there, oblivious to the escalating situation.

As Carmilla witnessed Pepper's nonchalant response and the mesmerizing display of blood magic, a perplexed expression formed on her face. A tiny tic of frustration manifested on her forehead, emphasizing her growing impatience.

Simultaneously, an ominous aura began to emanate from Carmilla, surrounding her with an intangible darkness. It was as if the very air around her thickened with an eerie energy, hinting at the impending consequences of Pepper's actions.

With each passing moment, the intensity of Carmilla's aura increased, subtly hinting at the pent-up power within her. The room seemed to grow colder, and the silence became deafening, as if the entire world held its breath, anticipating the repercussions of Pepper's inaction.

As Pepper continued to feign lifelessness, her senses heightened, and she became acutely aware of a looming danger. Something sinister had crept alarmingly close to her, sending shivers down her spine. The peril felt palpable, and Pepper's instincts told her that it was dangerously near.

Inside the cave, only Carmilla and Eve remained, leaving no room for anyone or anything else. It became clear to Pepper that the source of this imminent threat must be their master, the one whose presence commanded such fear and respect. The voice that resonated through the cavernous walls held an authority and malevolence that could only belong to their formidable and enigmatic master.

Pepper's heart raced as she comprehended the gravity of the situation. She realized that it couldn't possibly be Eve speaking in such a manner. Eve, her companion and confidante, had never possessed the dark aura that now permeated the cave. It was evident that the voice, laden with power and menace, could only originate from their mysterious and formidable master.

As Pepper swiftly rose to her feet, she focused her energy on dispelling the blood she had conjured through her blood magic. With a single, determined thought, she halted the flow of mana that fueled the blood's existence. Instantly, the crimson liquid transformed into ethereal particles, dissolving into the air, erasing any evidence of her magical display.

However, before Pepper could even begin to respond or agree to Carmilla's demands, a sudden blow struck her in the middle of her stomach. The force of the impact winded her, causing her to stagger backward, struggling to regain her composure.

The unexpected attack not only intensified Pepper's physical pain but also served as a stark reminder of the urgency and danger surrounding their situation. It became apparent that their master's presence loomed over them, delivering swift consequences for any perceived defiance or delay.



With an astonishing burst of speed, Pepper soared through the cave, leaving Eve and Carmilla momentarily perplexed as they lost sight of her mid-flight. Suddenly, a thunderous bang echoed through the cavern, drawing their attention to its source. Turning their heads, they were greeted by the startling sight of Pepper firmly lodged within the cave wall, her body fully embedded in the unyielding rock.

Silence descended upon the cave as Eve and Carmilla stood in awe, contemplating the improbable spectacle before them. Pepper's impact had been so forceful that it seemed as if she had become one with the solid stone.

Amidst Pepper's groans of pain, she mustered the strength to speak through the discomfort.

Pepper: "Ughh, that really hurt, master. You didn't have to kick me with such force."

Carmilla responded with a touch of exasperation, reminding Pepper of her responsibility.

Carmilla: "It's your own fault, you know. You were asking for it with your antics."

Pepper, caught off guard by Carmilla's initial response, swiftly countered with her own perspective.

Pepper: "But master, you were part of the mischief too, so why was it only me who had to suffer the powerful kick across the cave?"

Carmilla rolled her eyes, displaying a mix of annoyance and amusement. However, she couldn't help but acknowledge Pepper's point.

Carmilla: "I just felt like it," she replied, her tone oozing with a domineering air.

Upon hearing that Pepper vomited a mouthful of blood while she was still embedded on the wall, but after vomiting, she fell to the ground.


Carmilla: "Hey Pepper, stop playing dead and get up. I only hit you lightly, so there's no need to act like you're hurt that badly. Come on, stand up. We still need to continue exploring."

Upon hearing Carmilla's words, Pepper suddenly began to cough, expelling a mouthful of blood. It was a perplexing and unexpected sight. The room fell into a tense silence.

Pepper retorted in her mind.

Pepper: 'Ugh, that was supposed to be a light kick? I practically flew across the entire cave!'

And from the seemingly nonchalant tone with which Carmilla spoke, one would be instantly convinced that she had indeed struck Pepper lightly. However, if one were to rewind time to before the moment of impact and scrutinize the scene carefully, a hidden detail would come into view. At the precise instant when Carmilla's kick connected with Pepper, a small numerical display [-26 HP] flickered briefly above Pepper's head. It was an indication of the damage inflicted upon her, but the fleeting nature of the display meant that no one, not even Eve who observed the events from the sidelines, nor Carmilla herself, had the opportunity to witness the true extent of the harm dealt to Pepper.

Considering that Pepper and the others have a total of 60 HP, it may initially appear that the 26 damage inflicted by Carmilla's kick was relatively light, leaving Pepper with more than half of her health remaining. However, it's important to note that the actual damage dealt was 36, taking into account the defense stats of Carmilla and her clones.

With a defense stat of 10, the physical damage inflicted on Carmilla and her clones is reduced by 10 points. Consequently, the effective damage dealt is 36 minus 10, resulting in a net damage of 26. This reduction in damage mitigates the impact but still leaves their health halved if there were no defense stats in play.

[Name: Clone 2 > Pepper]

[Race: Vampire Clone]

[Title/s: N/A]

[HP: 34/60]

[MP: 36/36]

[STA: -/-]

[STR: 15] x3 (45)

[DEF: 10]

[VIT: 20] x3 (60)

[AGI: 16] x3 (48)

[DEX :10]

[INT: 10]

[MAG: 12] x3 (36)

[MAGDEF: 10]

Indeed, with that context that got provided, it is understandable why Pepper would vomit a mouthful of blood upon hearing Carmilla's assertion that the kick was only light. The damage inflicted on Pepper by Carmilla's seemingly light kick was actually greater than the damage they were facing from their enemy. This stark contrast would undoubtedly evoke a visceral response in Pepper, leading to her physical and emotional distress.

Carmilla unmistakably struck Pepper with 80% of her current strength, based on their respective STR stats. If Carmilla were to unleash the full extent of her power, her kick would undoubtedly cut Pepper's health by more than half, possibly even inflicting even greater damage.

With the significant force of Carmilla's attack, even considering Pepper's modest 10 points in defense, Pepper's health would be significantly lower than its current state. Additionally, Pepper would remain firmly embedded within the cave walls, a testament to the sheer impact and power of Carmilla's kick.

As Pepper continued to nurse her complaints about how Carmilla treated her own clone, she harbored a deep aversion to experiencing another seemingly light kick from her. In the midst of her thoughts, the sound of footsteps caught her attention. They grew increasingly distant, followed by the emergence of a new set of footsteps. Pepper instinctively turned her gaze towards the direction from which the sounds emanated, revealing Carmilla moving away from her, heading towards the last entrance to explore the left side of the cave.

Carmilla continued walking without glancing back, completely ignoring Pepper's presence. Meanwhile, Eve took a few steps before turning around, her eyes filled with concern as she observed Pepper lying on the ground. After a brief pause, Eve resumed her forward movement, taking a few more steps before casting another worried glance back at Pepper.