Volume 1 Chapter 57: The Mysterious Opening

Volume 1 Chapter 57: The Mysterious Opening

Carmilla, adopting a solemn tone, declared.

Carmilla: "Judge! The defendant, Pepper, is deemed guilty!"

Her words were delivered with a touch of playful drama, heightening the light-hearted atmosphere of their game.

Pepper, in an exaggerated tone, responded.

Pepper: "Why? How could this be? I demand a fair trial, Your Honor! What is the charge against me, and where is the evidence? I implore you to reconsider!"

She added a touch of theatrical flair to her plea, enhancing the playful nature of their game.

Carmilla, playing along with the game, maintained a serious demeanor.

Carmilla: "For your egregious ignorance of the situation, you shall be sentenced to a lifetime imprisonment, Pepper. However, as a lenient judge, I offer you an alternative: you may pay a fine of 1 Bronze Coin instead."

She kept a straight face, emphasizing the playful nature of their role-playing game.

As Carmilla and Pepper burst into laughter, their amusement echoed through the cave, filling the air with contagious joy. Eve, on the other hand, remained perplexed, unable to grasp the humorous aspect of the skit. Her confusion deepened, wondering what she had missed that made Carmilla and Pepper find it so amusing.


But still, Eve just keeps watching the two of them banter with each other and laugh together until they reach the second entrance they're going to explore for today.

As the jovial atmosphere fades away, Carmilla and Pepper stop laughing, their expressions shifting to one of seriousness, both aware of the importance of the next impending exploration.

They flew towards the depths of the entrance, but after flying for a while, they reached a dead end. Carmilla, Eve, and Pepper canceled their transformations and searched around the walls, ceiling, and floor for any hidden entrance, chest, or item. However, their efforts bore no fruit. Undeterred, the three of them decided to fly back. They remained determined to explore another path in their quest for treasure.

The 14th entrance leads to a dead end.

The three of them, determined to find a promising path, refused to halt their journey and persisted in flying towards the 4th entrance situated on the right side of the cave.

Upon entering the 4th entrance, they flew for 45 seconds until an opening caught their sight. The trio canceled their bat transformations and began walking towards it. Strangely, something seemed to interfere with the effects of their [Night Vision] skills, which should allow them to see 7 meters ahead in the dark. Even when they were merely 3 meters away from the opening, they still couldn't discern anything on the other side.

The situation was deeply unsettling as it marked the first time their skills had failed them. The inability to see 7 meters ahead in the darkness was troubling, causing the three of them to halt their approach cautiously.

With a shared look of determination, they nodded in unison, reaffirming their resolve. Undeterred by the lack of visibility, they continued walking towards the opening, cautiously pushing forward together.

Despite standing face to face with the opening, the darkness remained impenetrable, shrouding whatever lay beyond. The three of them exchanged concerned glances, realizing that this was no ordinary darkness but something more mysterious and ominous.

As they shared yet another worried look, Eve's voice broke the silence, posing a crucial question about their current predicament. The weight of uncertainty hung in the air as they awaited her words, hoping for insights that might shed light on their mysterious surroundings.

Eve's voice carried a mix of concern and caution as she addressed her master, asking.

Eve: "Should we venture into the opening, or would it be wiser to leave it be for now?"

Her words hung in the air, leaving the decision in the hands of the Carmilla aware that each choice could carry significant consequences.

Carmilla pondered the dilemma, her mind racing with the potential outcomes of their decision. The options weighed heavily upon her thoughts.

Carmilla thought, 'Should we risk entering the unknown opening, or would it be wiser to retreat for now and return later, perhaps with a higher level on our [Night Vision] skill or with a new skill that allows us to see beyond the darkness?'

With the group's fate hanging in the balance, Carmilla knew that making the right choice was crucial. She glanced at her companions, waiting to hear their insights before reaching a conclusion together.

As Carmilla's thoughts were interrupted by Pepper's sudden words, she shifted her attention to her companion, eager to hear what Pepper had to say. The momentary pause allowed her to refocus, setting aside her internal deliberations to address the present situation.

Pepper: "Master, I suggest that we don't enter the opening for now. We have no idea what's beyond it, and we can't ignore the failure of our night vision skill. There might be something dangerous or unknown on the other side."

Carmilla: "So, are you suggesting that we leave the opening for now?"

Pepper: "Yes, Master, I believe it would be wiser to leave this entrance for last. Let's finish exploring the other entrances first, as I'm confident we will reach a much higher level by then. Who knows, we might even acquire a skill that enables us to see what lies beyond this opening."

Carmilla was surprised that Pepper, who was often associated with bad luck and happy go lucky, displayed such thoughtful reasoning. Yet, she knew that appearances could be deceiving, and Pepper's ability to observe and think critically was not to be underestimated.

Carmilla: "Wow, Pepper. I must admit, I'm positively shocked by your deep thinking."

Her tone carried a hint of surprise and sarcasm.

Pepper: "Master, that was rather straightforwardly rude."

Pepper quickly retorted to Carmilla's rude statement.

Carmilla, her tone carrying a mix of explanation and defense, responded to Pepper's retort.

Carmilla: "You see, Pepper, you've been joking with me constantly, so I couldn't have guessed you were capable of such deep thinking. It was only when I saw your name on your status screen that I realized it was you. My mistake."

Pepper responded with a tinge of surprise and slight disappointment in his voice.

Pepper: "Wow, Master, I didn't realize you had such a low opinion of my abilities. But I guess that's the nature of being your clone. Despite our differing personalities and thought processes, we share similarities with you. Eve being rigid and soldierly, and me, enjoying some fun. But let's focus on the matter at hand, Master. What's your decision on how we proceed?"

The initially tense atmosphere surrounding the trio, uncertain about what lay beyond the opening, gradually softened into a more relaxed one. Carmilla and Pepper's back-and-forth banter played a role in easing the tension. Their playful exchanges brought a sense of camaraderie and familiarity, allowing them to momentarily set aside their worries and enjoy each other's company.

The relaxed atmosphere didn't last long as Pepper's words served as a reminder of their current predicament. Carmilla was still faced with the crucial decision of whether to enter the opening, shrouded in darkness and uncertainty, or to postpone their exploration until they were at a higher level and better equipped to handle the unknown.

The weight of the choice hung heavily in the air, momentarily dampening the light-hearted mood. The trio fell silent, their expressions reflecting the seriousness of the situation. Carmilla knew she had to weigh the risks carefully and consider the safety of her companions before making her final decision.

After a moment of deep contemplation, Carmilla finally broke the silence.

Carmilla's idea took shape, and she turned to Pepper and Eve with a glimmer of hope in her eyes.


Carmilla: "Exactly! The danger lies in the unknown. If we can find a way to gather information about what's across the opening, we might be able to explore it more safely. If you both agree I will tell you a plan I just think of. So what do you think?"

She looked at Pepper and Eve, eager to hear their thoughts on the plan. Their agreement would be crucial for its success.

Eve and Pepper exchanged a brief, knowing glance before turning back to Carmilla to respond.

Eve: "Yes, Master, if we can at least know something and ensure our survival upon entering, then we can explore this opening."

Pepper: "Yeap, Eve is right, Master. Did you think of a plan?"