Volume 1 Chapter 75: Heavily Damage

[Author's Note: For bonus chapters, the goal is

25 Power Stones

50 Power Stones

Every Week]

Volume 1 Chapter 75: Heavily Damage

Carmilla: "Hey guys, you can retreat. I've already passed the 25% mark of the cave, but just in case of an accident, I'll be making my way closer to the exit. See you there."

The telepathic message from Carmilla slightly interrupted Eve's and Pepper's concentration in the fight, causing the two statues to almost hit them.

Luckily, the two of them managed to block the two swords and then swiftly pushed back the two statues. After a quick exchange of glances, they transformed into bats and rapidly flew towards the exit.

The two statues, having been pushed back by Eve and Pepper, saw the two transform into bats and start to leave. They attempted to catch up, but the weight of the heavy armor they were wearing severely slowed them down to catch up.


The two statues released their hold on the two flying swords, which now start to hovered in front of them.

Now that the two flying swords were hovering, they pointed there tip at Eve and Pepper, who were now near the halfway point.

The two flying swords start to fly towards Eve and Pepper with much greater speed than before. Perhaps this was the result of Carmilla having possession of the hemisphere they had guarded for so long.

However, since Eve and Pepper had a massive head start, the two flying swords needed some time to catch up.

Even with such a significant handicap, the two flying swords were still closing in, gradually catching up to the two.

Pepper, who was slightly behind Eve, was the first to notice the approaching threat and was attacked. Realizing they couldn't outpace the speed of the two flying swords.

Without someone to intervene, the two flying swords would eventually catch up to the two of them, who were in bat form and unable to effectively defend themselves from sword attacks while in mid-air.

Eve, who had been flying ahead for a bit, didn't notice the flying sword getting near.

Without any hesitation, Pepper stopped flying and reverted from her bat transformation while in mid-air.

Pepper began to fall toward the ground but managed to create a blood bow while in mid-air, paying little attention to the flying sword that was closing in on her.

Pepper swiftly fired a shot at the flying sword that is approaching Eve.

Pepper managed to intercept the flying sword heading towards Eve.

As a consequence of her actions, the flying sword that had been targeting her drew dangerously close. Pepper didn't have sufficient time to block or dodge the attack, but she managed to shift her body just enough so that the flying sword impaled her left lung, narrowly missing her heart.

As Eve flew forward, she suddenly heard a loud thud sound behind her. She quickly turned around to see a flying sword coming toward her, but it was deflected to the right by a blood arrow. Just then, Pepper was stabbed in the chest near her heart.

Upon seeing Pepper being stabbed in the chest by the flying sword, Eve swiftly canceled her own bat transformation. As she descended, she conjured a blood bow in readiness.

On Pepper's side, the flying sword attempted to pull itself out of her chest, but she exerted her own force to keep it in place, causing her to vomit a mouthful of blood.

Fortunately, they both possessed the [Immortality] skill, which nullified the bleeding status ailment caused by the stabbing of Pepper's left chest and lung. If Pepper weren't a Vampire herself and didn't have the [Immortality] skill, she would have acquired an additional status ailment, that will gonna double the use of stamina and significantly delaying their regeneration, as it would regenerate at an exceedingly slow pace.

With a bow in hand, when Eve landed on the ground, she quickly shot an arrow towards the flying sword that Pepper had pushed back. However, since Pepper was the last one to hit it, the flying sword's attention was now solely focused on Pepper.

Pepper, for the time being, was preoccupied with preventing the flying sword in her chest from pulling itself out, which would result in a severe bleeding status ailment. Although the [Immortality] skill would downgrade it to a normal bleeding status ailment, the damage from the downgrade bleeding could still prove fatal due to her current critically low health, which had turned red by now.

The battle with the two statues had already reduced her health to half, and the damage she sustained from being impaled by the flying sword further decreased her health by more than 40%.

[Name: Pepper]

[Race: Vampire Clone]

[Title/s: N/A]

[HP: 6/60]

[MP: 36/36]

With only 6 HP remaining, Pepper faced a critical situation. The DoT (Damage over Time) from the bleeding status ailment threatened to deplete her HP to a fatal level, reaching zero HP and causing her death. Therefore, preventing the flying sword from pulling itself out became an urgent priority. If Pepper were taken out too early, Eve would be left to confront the two strengthened flying swords all on her own.

Stopping the two flying swords was feasible earlier when the hemisphere was still floating atop its pedestal. However, now that Carmilla had stolen it, and now she was also beyond the range of the two flying swords and two statues.


With the hemisphere in Carmilla's possession, the four adversaries had no choice but to target either Eve or Pepper who was the nearest. Furthermore, the two flying swords had undergone significant enhancements in both speed and attack power, making it difficult for a blood arrow to easily block and push them back.

To push a flying sword back, Eve would need to utilize the sword's own momentum when it was attacking her, but accomplishing this was no easy feat.

Eve would need to perfectly time her shots and accurately target a specific point to add more force to the flying sword's momentum.

Now that the two statues are not controlling the flying swords, the attack pattern of the two flying swords has become much more difficult to predict.