Volume 2 Chapter 30: Daniel’s Skill Being Sealed

[Author's Note: For bonus chapters, the goal every week is:

- 25 Power Stones

- 50 Power Stones]

Volume 2 Chapter 30: Daniel's Skill Being Sealed

Even though he didn't know what triggered his instincts, Daniel had learned to always to listen to it. He began scanning his surroundings to identify on what might have trigger it, but all he found were more than a dozen arrows around him, which he dismissed. Undeterred, he continued looking further through the forest to locate the potential source of the danger his instincts had warned him about.

His instincts alerted him to a significant danger from above that could deal critical damage to him, potentially resulting in a worst-case scenario of fatal consequences.

Just as Daniel was about to look up, his vision suddenly became blurry. It wasn't just Daniel; the trio also experienced the same phenomenon while waiting for the outcome of their impromptu plan.



When they all experienced this, they thought that Daniel had used some kind of attack method that they didn't know of. Similarly, Daniel was thinking the same, that Carmilla might have used some kind of magic on him, like illusion magic or poison magic.




Suddenly, they heard someone clapping, and they were not expecting to hear Tria's voice.

Tria: "Congratulations to the three of you for defeating Daniel, and to you, Daniel, good job on lasting through that long fight against the trio. Even though the dungeon's rules restricted your level to 5 and your stats to when you were level 5 in the past, and lastly, many of your skills were sealed."

Carmilla and her two clones were internally celebrating their unexpected victory upon hearing Tria announce their win. Simultaneously, they were listening to Tria's and Daniel's conversation. Upon hearing from Tria that not only was Daniel severely weakened, nearing their level, but also that his other skills were sealed.

They were aware of the dungeon's limitation on the enemies' levels from Tria's explanation, but they had no prior knowledge about any skills being sealed.

Daniel: "Your Majesty, may I inquire about how I lost?"

Although Daniel asked why he lost, he wasn't a sore loser and didn't complain. He was merely curious about how he had lost, particularly regarding the danger he faced towards the end of their fight.

Tria: "Here."

Tria passed a similar-looking sphere where she showed the trio the stone spike room. As she began showing Daniel what had happened before he lost, she suddenly heard Carmilla talking to her. This also caught Daniel's attention, causing him to stop paying attention to the video currently playing in the crystal sphere.

Carmilla: "Um, excuse me, Tria..."

Tria: "Yes, what is it dear?"

Carmilla: "Can I ask you something?"

Tria: "Sure, what is it?"

Carmilla: "You mentioned that some of Daniel's skills were sealed away while he was fighting with us."

Tria: "Yes, that is correct. Many of his skills were indeed sealed away while he was fighting with the three of you."

Carmilla: "But why?..."

But before she could finish what she was about to say, Tria finished her sentence before she had the chance.

Tria: "You're wondering why his skills were sealed while he was fighting with the three of you, aren't you?"

Carmilla: "Un."

Carmilla nodded in agreement with Tria's statement, as that was exactly what she was about to ask.

Tria: "It's because you wouldn't stand a chance of victory if Daniel had all of his skills unlocked while fighting you, even with you the three of you fighting him simultaneously. For instance, the skill [Automatic Health Recovery] functions similarly to [Automatic Mana Recovery], but instead of regenerating mana, this skill regenerates health or HP. Just like how you gained almost an unlimited amount of mana at your disposal, if Daniel had the [Automatic Health Recovery] skill, he'd essentially have almost unlimited health. He could ignore all of your unamplified attacks, letting them hit him instead of dodging, as his health regeneration would be much faster than the damage the three of you could deal to him. There would only be two ways to defeat him."

Tria paused for a moment before continuing her explanation.

Tria: "The first method is to use an attack that deals higher damage than his health regeneration and overwhelm him with attacks until you defeat him. However, this will be challenging because he won't just stand still while you attack him, the second method will be needing a significant damage to be inflicted. I'm quite certain that your clone, Pepper, is familiar with this method."

Seeing Pepper's cluelessness upon hearing her name mentioned by Tria, Tria gave her a hint to help her understand what she was saying.

Tria: "The attack you unleashed at the last moment, the one that secured your victory against Daniel."

Carmilla and Eve caught the part mentioning "that secured your victory." They were certain that Pepper was the one who dealt enough damage to Daniel, but they weren't entirely sure about the specific action she took to achieve their victory.

Since Pepper hadn't shared what she was planning to do back then, and they still didn't know how they won, even now after they had been teleported and Tria announced their victory, not even a minute had passed.

So, they hadn't yet inquired from Pepper about what she did to secure their victory.

Pepper: "Honestly, I didn't think it would work either."

Carmilla: "Pepper, what are you talking about?"

Pepper: "The attack I sent to Daniel... At first, I thought he would just dodge it. But thanks to Master and Eve distracting him, he only noticed my attack when it was about to hit him."

Carmilla: "Ah, I see. So the second method was to use an attack that could deal enough damage to lower his health or kill him."

Tria: "That is correct. However, as I was saying, many of his skills were sealed, not only the [Automatic Health Regeneration]. So, you would still be fighting with him. If only he could sense Pepper's attack after she launches it, he would be able to dodge or counterattack."

Pepper: "How is that even possible?"

Tria: "With a sensing skill of course, such as the [Mana Sense]. This skill allows a user to sense mana in their vicinity, detecting anything with mana once it enters this skill's range. Daniel would instantly know. Additionally, there's the [Life Sense] skill. If Daniel had this skill unsealed, no one would be able to sneak near him, let alone fly directly above his head. Once something or someone alive enters this skill's range, Daniel would be instantly informed…"