Volume 2 Chapter 33: Vespera

[Author's Note: For bonus chapters, the goal every week is:

- 25 Power Stones

- 50 Power Stones]

Volume 2 Chapter 33: Vespera

Tria notice that Pepper was being sarcastic but she still confirmed what she said.

Tria: "It might sound strange, but what you said is correct. She did, in fact, unintentionally take her own life."

Carmilla expressed her concern upon hearing what Tria said.

Carmilla: "Are you absolutely certain she's one of the most powerful spellcasters? Ahh, don't get me wrong, okay? It just sounds very distressing from our perspective. How could one of the most powerful spellcasters in the vampire race take her own life unintentionally?"

Tria reassured them.

Tria: "I understand it sounds distressing, but I assure you she was qualified to be one of the most powerful spellcasters in the vampire race."

Pepper "How can someone that qualified end up taking her own life unintentionally? And how did she even do it?"


Tria: "She was one of the best spell researchers out there, and she died while she was conducting an experiment on a forbidden spell that can destroy a small city in a single cast."

Carmilla: "What happened, and why did she die?"

Tria: "She died due to a mistake in casting that very same spell she was researching. She lost control over it, and it exploded right in front of her."

Carmilla: "And that caused her death?"

Tria: "Yes, she died because she lost control of a forbidden spell. Fortunately, she wasn't near any city or town, so the explosion didn't kill anyone other than herself."

Carmilla: "Then why hasn't she been revived yet, considering her expertise?"

Tria: "Oh, she still hasn't been revived because the Elder Council forced her to take a break."

Carmilla: "By not reviving her, you mean?"

Tria: "Yes, since she wouldn't stop researching different kinds of spells non-stop, the Elder Council didn't approve her revival. Okay, let's stop here since I've already told you a lot about her. I'll be reviving her now."

After saying that, a magic circle appears, and a figure of a woman begins to emerge from within it. She appears to be wearing a black shirt, along with a red cloak adorned with gold embellishments, paired with a matching skirt held by a black belt.

After fully emerging, she begins to look around, her long black hair waving gently around her. Just as Daniel was handsome, she was equally beautiful.

When the figure caught sight of Tria standing beside a silver-haired girl with a similar appearance, she ignored the trio and bowed respectfully in front of Tria.

Despite the attention drawn by the three silver-haired girls, she couldn't overlook Tria's identity as the Empress of the Vampire race and the Elder Council's strict admonishment to greet her properly.

???: "Greetings, Your Majesty. Where am I?"

Tria: "You're in one of the trials set up by my original."

???: "So, Your Majesty, what am I supposed to do?"

Tria: "As sharp as ever, Vespera."

Vespera: "Of course, Your Majesty. Who do you think I am?…"

Before Vespera could finish her sentence, Tria interjected sarcastically.

Tria: "A joke that's killed itself."

Vespera: "~~~I am the smartest researcher alive."

Tria: "You've been dead for more than a thousand years, so the title 'smartest researcher alive' is invalid."

Vespera: "Have I been dead for that long, Your Majesty?"

Tria: "That's just my estimate, but I'm quite certain it's been more than a thousand years, perhaps even a few hundred more."

Upon confirming that she's been dead for more than a thousand years, Vespera suddenly kneels down and begins hammering the ground with her fists, much like a frustrated child.

Carmilla, Eve, and Pepper were shocked to see this behavior from Vespera. Their first impression of her as a powerful spellcaster was shattered, witnessing her acting like a child, hammering the ground with her fists.

They then heard Vespera's voice, filled with heartbreak and sorrow.

Vespera: "A thousand years wasted... I could have researched countless spells with that much time."

Tria wasn't affected by this because she knew that, like every long-lived vampire, those who have lived for an extended period often possess peculiarities different from the norm. Vespera's quirk was her intense addiction to researching various magic spells.

However, she would only delve into researching practical magic spells when compelled by Tria's original body or the Elder Council, as her usual tendency was to explore peculiar and seemingly useless magic spells. Examples included spells that could grow various types of flowers, wash plates, or assist in hair growth for someone.

Upon recalling that last spell, Tria considered it to be quite practical and helpful for individuals experiencing or on the brink of baldness.

Tria: "Stop throwing a tantrum. That's precisely why the Elder Council didn't approve your revival. Your addiction to magical research led you to seclusion, risking your health."

Vespera: "But Your Majesty, that's a thousand years of research wasted. I could have explored a multitude of different kinds of magic spells in that time."

Tria: "Alright, enough. Stop acting like a child; you're embarrassing yourself in front of the three beside me."

Upon hearing Tria's words about embarrassing herself, Vespera swiftly stood up and composed herself, as if she was a gust of wind, she had suddenly straightened her posture.

Vespera: "Throwing a tantrum? That's certainly not me."

Carmilla: "Um, Tria, can we talk privately?"

Carmilla sought a private conversation with Tria, expressing her concerns about Vespera.

Tria: "Sure, we can. I'll cast a wind spell to block any sounds from leaving."

After seeing Vespera nearby, Tria remembered that despite Vespera's childish behavior, she remained a powerful spellcaster capable of nullifying her spell, considering Tria was merely a clone of the original. If the original had cast the spell, Vespera would have a difficult time dispelling it.

Tria: "Vespera, Carmilla and I need to talk in private. Please don't dispel the spell. Is that clear?"

Vespera: "Yes, Your Majesty. You and Carmilla can have your private talk, and I won't eavesdrop or dispel the spell you cast to block the sound from leaving."

Tria: "Good. You can chat with Eve and Pepper here."

Tria then gestures towards Eve and Pepper, who are standing beside each other, before speaking.

Tria: "You can talk to the two of them and entertain yourself while we talk."

Vespera: "Yes, Your Majesty."

After receiving Vespera's confirmation, Tria led Carmilla to the side and cast a wind dome spell, similar to the one she used when she spoke privately with Daniel back then.

Tria: "So, what is it? Why did you request to talk privately?"

Carmilla: "It's just really awkward to talk about Vespera while she's present."

Tria: "That's fine. She's aware that others might perceive her differently based on her behavior."

Carmilla: "Why does she continue to act like that?"

Tria: "Because the longer you live, you eventually develop a few loose screws in your head."

Carmilla: "But Daniel seems normal to me?"