Green at the sight

Anastasia, who stood before the Blackthorn rose, narrowly avoided getting her hand pricked by its thorn thanks to a momentary loss of balance, causing her to shift to the side. She quickly stepped away from the plant, turning to look at who had spoken before offering them a deep bow, folding her hands together in the process. 

The Mother Queen clenched her jaw in disappointment. To think they were so close to unravelling the truth. Maybe she should have accompanied the young woman herself so that she could push her to see her being pricked by the thorn firsthand. 

Princess Emily didn't know how they were going to explain what they were in the middle of doing. But the question was asked of her and not her grandmother, considering her grandmother's silver tongue. 

"What is going on here, Emily?" King Maxwell demanded, making his way towards where his two family members stood.