Rise of the Golden Moon

Migdre's small legs carried it towards the entrance of the palace without the guards noticing its presence. For some reason, the imp couldn't teleport to its master's location and decided to swiftly search for him instead. 

"Master is being tricked! Master needs to know!" muttered the imp to itself as it continued to dash through the corridors, its arrow-ended tail swaying back and forth. "Master, where are you?!" it asked frantically, its head scanning left and right. "That woman has been lying, and so has Demon Raylen! She's t—"

And before the imp could take another step forward, a shoe suddenly flew from behind at a speed too swift for the creature to notice, and it smacked it right on the back of its head, causing it to collapse onto the ground, unconscious from the impact. 

"Thought I heard someone call my name," Raylen remarked, standing at the far end of the corridor, one shoe conspicuously absent from his foot.