[Weekly Bonus Chapter] New Leaders (3)

Shinon sat in his workshop. Rico and Kira were there with him, in the room filled with maps, communication devices, and a lamp. His eyes scanned the map of the 'second' settlement, tracing the winding paths, the clusters of buildings, and the well-defended perimeter. 

"You want us to do what?" Kira loudly exclaimed as she couldn't believe Shinon would ask them to do something uncharacteristic of them. 

"Listen, I know it's not what you two were expecting, but-" Shinon tried explaining his side, but Rico interrupted him. 

"I know what you're thinking, but after what happened with Marcus, I don't think it's wise to leave you alone here," he said as he leaned on the wall, crossing his arms over his chest. "Besides, Sable already sent a handful of people to establish a second base to takeover Aric's palace."