Masterbuilder's Dilemma (2)

While everyone got to work, Shinon was waiting for the Masterbuilder near the factory's exit. He didn't have to wait long as Masterbuilder hurriedly approached the gates a moment later. 

  "Is there something you need, newcomer?" he asked as his eyes fell on Shinon.

"I wanted to leave the factory for a short while but was told to get your permission first," Shinon politely replied. "Since I'm new here, I thought it would be beneficial to get familiarised with the city if that's not too much trouble."

The Masterbuilder considered Shinon's request, his stern expression softening slightly. "I suppose it's a reasonable request. Fine, you can leave, but you better be back before sunset. The guards don't like people roaming around after the sun's down."

"Thank you, sir," Shinon replied, but Masterbuilder didn't pay attention to him. 

"Miro, please deal with the rest," Masterbuilder asked his trusted assistant before departing.