Science Centre (2)

Perched on top of an abandoned building, Shinon, Rico, and Lova stared towards the area Shinon had led them to. But judging from the look on their faces, it was clear they weren't expecting to see the sight before them. 

Shinon had expected to find a lot of things, maybe a nest or a hideout. But he hadn't thought he would find a facility there bustling with life.

"I don't know what to say, but that looks like some sort of laboratory or something," Rico commented, gazing into the facilities' camouflaged compound.

"It's not some sort of laboratory; it is one," Lova scoffed, pointing towards the board in front of the building, "Oakville Research Foundation; the name itself sounds fishy to me."

Shinon remained silent, but a storm of thoughts roared in his mind. As soon as he saw the facility, he recalled his last interaction with Miro. How adamant he had been as soon as Shinon informed him about visiting the place.