Chapter 291 – Trip to Valley of Rivalry

"Good. Top inner disciples and core disciples who do not participate can expect a penalty and having their status revoked."

The elder gave one last announcement, adding a layer of threat against deserters. The words hung heavy in the air as the elder's warning echoed through the courtyard. The disciples exchanged wary glances, the gravity of the situation was clear. The pressure to represent the sect was no light burden, and it carried consequences that none of them were willing to bear.

"They take it quite seriously, seems like our sect is not into being coerced into anything," Ken remarked.

"It's better this way, I dislike being oppressed," Tiara added.

The five approached the counter, waiting patiently a few minutes for their turn. Soon, they faced a handsome man who greeted them with a smile. Of course, they were all top disciples there, and the man had every reason to be polite.