Chapter 8: Lost In The Frequency

I finally started to wake up finding myself in a completely unknown location. The walls looked as if they were made from some sort of metal. With lines of beds around me and what looked like hospital equipment. But it wasn't any sort of hospital equipment that I've ever seen.

I sat up slowly in the bed I was placed in. Causing pain to surge through my head like I was experiencing the worst hangover of my life.

"He's awake!" TOBOR shouted as him and Michael burst into the room.

Michael immediately jumped onto my bed going crazy. Wagging his tail like he was going to take off like a helicopter. Though when he stood on my stomach something was off.

I took a closer look at him noticing that his leg was back. And not with some sort of prosthesis but his actual leg like it was never gone.

He lifted the paw up at me in a way that almost said dad look my leg is back. I was so confused but so happy for him that I wrapped him in a big hug. Which only made him freak out even more and started liking my face.

"What's going on?" I asked TOBOR as I pushed Michael's face away for a moment.

"That's going to be the hard part. So lets be civil here and not kill anyone ok?" TOBOR said confusing me even more.

Though I started to piece together why he said that. When a woman in white walked into the room. Her skin was dark and had amber eyes like they were made from the ore. Her clothes were strange. The lower half of her and most of her midsection was skin tight. With gold colored armor platting that only seemed to protect her legs and stomach. As for her chest and above it was like she was an European Queen. With a white fur like cape attached to her shoulder guards. The whole outfit was white with gold accents.

But what quickly stole my attention were the pitch black horns on her head. That had tiny specks of glowing light in them. As if they were imitating the starry night sky.

She opened her mouth but no sound came from it. Or at least nothing that I could hear. Which was strange because both TOBOR and Michael reacted as if she said something.

"I completely forgot that humans can't hear this frequency." TOBOR said to himself when he noticed my confusion.

"I never would have expected an alien language being spoken in a different frequency. Though this is probably something I should throw away all of my expectations for."

"Yes. Earth has some.. Interesting. Ideas about aliens and how they work." TOBOR said in a way that sounded like he was disturbed. "I told her the situation. So she knows that I'll be translating for the time being."

When did he even tell her that? Well it wouldn't even matter since I couldn't have heard it anyway.

"Most important question would be how I ended up here. Also how Michael was able to grow his leg back."

TOBOR looked at the alien. Which from my angle and spectating everything with no sound was awkward. But he finally turned back around to me.

"She said that she was already on earth doing some research for her planet. When her ship caught our little distress signal. Though since this was her first encounter with your species she felt it best to knock you unconscious before bringing you onto the ship. She also said that they have a medicine from her planet that can repair cells to the point of re-growing lost limbs. Sort of what your planet's reptilians can do. Though it seems that the medicine would have killed you if they attempted to treat you with it."

I couldn't help but look at the left side of my body where my arm should be. Remembering being a soldier with Michael and taking that grenade. Life has been hard like this but I believe I would have done the same thing over again.

"Thank her for me for healing Michael and not to worry about me. I can only assume from her attire that she's someone important to her people. So for her to go out of her way to help us means a lot to me." I said to TOBOR.

Though from the look on her face I could tell she can understand me. Especially when she looks at me with eyes of happiness and a weird look of interest.

I mean she was here to study us so I guess having me here also suits her interests. Even if the look she gives me sends chills down my spines. Almost the same look a scientist would have if they heard there was a medicine that could re-grow limbs.

She approached me and took my hand. As if to ask me to follow her somewhere in her ship. In which I indulged my curiosity and went along with her.

Her ship was massive and beautiful. Truly something that royalty would fly through space in. The hallways were decorated with carpets and foreign plants. And the other member on the ship weren't dressed as nice as the woman leading me. But held this sort of high class.

"Is there a reason as to why I'm the only guy on this ship that I should know about?" I asked TOBOR as we walked to the destination.

"I couldn't tell you. We collect a lot of information on alien society and all that cool stuff. But there isn't even a folder, file, or mention of her species anywhere in my database."

"So we're flying blind here." I said to myself.

She stopped abruptly. Which gave me the feeling that she heard my little comment. She turned around to face me and gave me a hug. Which thanks to her heels ended up putting my face into her large chest. Even if it surprised me I could tell that this was her attempt at reassuring me.

Once she pulled and away and I could see again. I noticed how everyone else on the ship looked at me. With looks of envy, hatred, and murderous intent. I feel welcome already.